Just thought I'd do a quick post - no card today having a really busy week. I do all the typing up for my son Tom who's 19 and doing a degree in film and media - hes really clever but is severely disabled with cerebral palsy so needs someone to write up for him and turn the pages in his books Hes got an essay and 2 presentations due by Wednesday so my fingers are down to the bone with this keyboard. If you want to know anything about world war II cinema or James Bond I'm your girl - I'm getting such an education.
Also got a cute photo of my grandson Jacob -now 12 weeks - hes getting so HUGE - don't know where 12 weeks went!
Such a cute photo - wish mine were that little all over again - I love babies!!
Think that phots better than a card anyway!
Well its back off to my scribing work for me - might get a card posted tonite -either that or the ironing! - otherwise see you tomorrow
Judith x

Hi Judith What an Amazing little boy, he is adorable xx They grow so fast don't they, My eldest grandson is 25 and my youngest 19 in may Wow!! where did the years go!!!
Hugs Mau xx
Judith, Jacob is adorable. I cannot wait for my first grandchild to arrive at the end of April - boy or girl no matter as long as healthy. Have a great week, Sheila:)X
Hiya Judith, Gorgeous baby :)
So glad to see youve joined us at CCC
I am now following you - Follow me too at http://simply-angelic-crafts.blogspot.com/
Jacob is gorgeous. I hope the scribing work goes well.
Nikki x
Aww what a gorgeous photo Judith - your grandson is adorable! he looks so happy, bless him! aww they grow up so fast don't they…I can't believe my daughter is 27 this year!! and it seems like only yesterday she was a baby!!
Hope you've had a lovely weekend!
Big Hugs!
Sue xx
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